Monday, November 11, 2013

New Blog

Hey y'all!  I've started a new blog on Wordpress.  Who knows, I may even update it from time to time with my travel adventure stories and whatnot.  Check it out:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

2012 Book Reviews: Better Late Than Never

Oh hey, it's half-way through 2013.  Maybe it is time to post my book reviews for last year.  Yep.  That's a good idea.  The list is a bit shorter than last year, as I have not been riding the bus since March 2012 (and reading while driving is not really acceptable behavior).  Here's my life in books for 2012, minus the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.  No one needs to know how many of those I read.

Is Everyone Hanging Out with Me? (and Other Concerns)  by Mindy Kaling
+ Mindy is much more down-to-earth than the characters that she plays, so some of her writing is actually good advice.
- She rambles occasionally, but it is usually charming.

The Naked Truth About Chastity by Lauren Winner
+ Someone recommended it to me & it was free on Kindle.  The author is very real and practical about her opinions of chastity.  It is nice to hear from someone willing to talk about "Lies Our Culture Tells About Sex" right alongside "Lies the Church Tells About Sex."
- Super awkward to read in public or on the bus.

Congo by Michael Crichton
+ Crichton always has in-depth information about really interesting topics inserted into his books.  I felt like an expert on apes after reading it.
- SPOILER ALERT:  After a ton of suspenseful action, the story kind of peters out to the point where the ending is not memorable.

Silas Marner by George Eliot
+ Great story about the importance of relationships (romantic, familial, etc.).
- Not much to complain about with this one.  Maybe the pace was a tad slow?  It's been  too long since I've read it.

Waking the Dead by John Eldredge
+ A truly inspirational and life-giving book.  I forced myself to read it in small chunks, so that I would be forced to mull it over all day.
- The worst part was that it ends.  I wanted it to last forever.

Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton
+ A captain assembles a crew and sets out to do the impossible.  What more could you want from a pirate story?
- Same complaint that I had for Congo.  The ending was not particularly memorable and seemed a bit irrelevant.  Maybe it was based on real people, so the ending was more realistic or something.

I Could Pee on This:  And Other Poems by Cats by Francesco Marciuliano
+ If cats could write poetry, this is how it would go.
- Some of it was forced.

Devil in the While City by Erik Larson
+ I would have never thought that a true crime book could read so much like a novel.  One of the best parts is the appendices,  where Larson describes all of the cool research he did to construct the retelling of the tale of H. H. Holmes.  Plus, World's Fairs are fascinating.
- The story is slow going, until the last couple of chapters.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Two-Four Approacheth

Growing up, birthdays were never a huge deal in my family.  Then again, there were 3 out of the four of us celebrating in July.  You get a little sick of cake (thank goodness Dad likes pie).

The problem is that none of us actually know how to throw, or plan, a birthday party.  We were always on vacation (except in grade school, we just went to some party place & our parents invited all of our classmates), so we just went out for a slightly nicer dinner than normal.  Now, I don't know what to do for my birthday this year.

Last year, everyone that could went swing dancing at Century.  Although, that turned out to be only a handful.  They year before, I spent my birthday road-tripping to a funeral with Matt & Josh (ended up being sad, but not as bad as it sounds).  Then, the two years before, we all walked to Molly Moon's & watched a movie back at the house.

Time to start planning!  July is already looking super busy!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Addendum to The Year in Books

You know the Game of Thrones series? I forgot that I started reading the first book. It was so captivating and interesting, but then it got graphically inappropriate with little to no warning. So, I stopped reading it, as much as I wanted to find out what happened. I just don't want to live with those images. :P

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Year in Review: Books

As a user of the Seattle public transportation system, it has been much easier to check books off of my list. This year, I managed 19 books (that I remember). It has been excellent to read for pleasure again, now that school reading assignments are a thing of the past. Here is a look at 2011's books:

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
+ The title character is not the only person whose story is told in this epic novel.
- Depressing as I'll get out.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth by Jeff Kinney
+ Greg is such a believable character whose experiences are believable and hilarious.
- With each book that comes out, I get more nervous that it will turn out to be a flop before I finish reading it (i.e. the Redwall series).

The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
+ Great author that knows how to spin a tale.
- Suddenly, the main character is a slut. That came out of nowhere. Especially after a really clean first book in the series.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
+ The best part of reading this classic is that I had no idea what it was about before starting. It was so fantastic to get the chance to puzzle through the mystery. Charlotte had a great imagination.
- Is there a negative? I can't think of one.

Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
+ Three books in a row that I can't put down? Where's your next work, Collins? Although, it is a rare and brilliant author that knows when and where to end her series. The epilogue was way better than that of the Harry Potter series.
- It would be a spoiler to put that here...

The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov
+ What an ending!!! Wow! Did not see that one coming at all.
- The story drags along, then finally picks up about 3/4 of the way through the book.

Bossypants by Tina Fey
+ Hilarious honesty.
- Vulgar honesty.

The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
+ Great messages for kids who feel alienated or alone.
- Don't remember.

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
+ Fascinating history lessons.
- The book was super sketchy. One of the few books where I preferred the film.

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
+ Pullman can really make scenes and characters come alive.
- Writing a children's book with such an agenda is dumb (IMO).

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
+ It felt like a treasure hunt in novel form.
- The author is a bit of a tease about how some of the characters are connected to Hannah.

Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind
+ Epic in every way, this was a super inventive story that keeps changing and growing.
- Some sketch.

The Princess Bride by William Goldman
+ Great to see the original form of the story, from which the classic film emerged.
- Goldman is a fan of mind games, and it gets annoying.

The Maze Runner by James Dashner (pun intended?)
+ Ender's Game meets The Hunger Games meets Hatchet. So good.
- It has the potential to be dragged out until it is no longer good.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
+ The most human character that I have read in a long time, Liesel and I experienced every emotion together. The best bit was the last few chapters, when my friends happened to be listening to some very fitting soundtrack music at the same time.
- Death as a narrator made everything sad, always.

Ringworld by Larry Niven
+ Answered many questions about physics that I had been afraid to ask (physicists can be long-winded). All of the scientific ideas are fascinating.
- Sketchy bits. Also, occasionally reads like a science essay. The ending was not satisfying.

Alright, off to start the 2012 list! ;D

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dreams Don't Turn to Dust

I have so many dreams. How will they ever get out?

[Picture: Golden Gardens Summer 2009]

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dr. Who & ELO

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Electric Light Orchestra?

It's my:
-Thank God It's Friday
-My Day Needs a Pick-Me-Up
-I'm Driving
-Something Peppy Needs to Be Playing Right Now
-Life Is Awesome
-I Want to Hug a Puppy But Will Listen to Music Instead

Basically, if you watch this video for a few seconds at 1:20, 3:47, and 4:50, you will have a fair idea of what is either going on in my head or what I do in my office when no one is watching. ;)